Nama : arindra dipram permana                 
Kelas : S1 MLM A 2017
Nim   : 170505041230
Management distribution
                        Competitive advantage by company
1. Nama Lengkap
2. Tempat & tanggal lahir
: Jakarta, 17 september
3. Alamat
: villa nusa indah 5, jati asih , bekasi
4. Jenis Kelamin
: Laki-laki
5. Status Perkawinan
: single
6. Agama
: Islam
7. No Telp
: 087780546235
8. Email
Pendidikan formal:
Kuliah : itl trisakti (2017 )
SMA 2012 2015: SMAN 6 BEKASI
Smp 2009 2011 : SMPN 3 BEKASI
Sd    2003 2008 : SD ISLAM AL-FATAH BEKASI

Experience: sell spare parts for motorcycle AND selling motorbikes

                               Company Profile & History
      PT. J.CO Donuts and Coffee was founded by Johnny Andrean previously known asa successful businessman salon. No less than 168 salons and 41 school networks ownedsalon, the hairdressers but then instinct 
      took plunge into the food business. Since 2003 he has been actively developing J.CO. J.CO domestic goods by using concepts from overseas andenhanced with modernization and the best quality.                         
Here are the names of the products offered J.CO Donuts & Coffee: Hazel Dazzle, Glazzy, Alcapone, Coco Loco, Cheese Me Up, Miss Green T, Why Nut, JCrown Oreo, Da Vin Cheez, Mona Pisa, Heaven Berry, Forest Glam , J.CO Praline, J.CO Yogurt, Choco Forest Freeze, J.Pops, and much more
      J.CO prides itself for creating a life café concept that is vibrant and energetic, stylish yet interactive and customer-friendly, and for using only premium ingredients in its signature range of coffee & chocolate beverages and donuts which appeal to even the most discerning customers
      In this case J.Co pursuing a strategy of product differentiation, service differentiation, and differentiation personnel. Where it can be viewed by doing the right J.Co differentiation strategy to position the company as a market leader. And the strategy.


       J.CO donuts & coffee using experts or human resources who have qualified in the culinary field, especially donuts. therefore can make a variety of unique products, delicious, luxurious impression, but can be obtained at an affordable price

J.Co donuts are made using machines, both when mixing the ingredients, cooking and making donuts topping. The only human labor is involved only at the time of printing donuts. Who also use the mold tool.
All machines
 are used entirely imported from the USA. As well as the basicmaterials, more than 50% is imported from abroad. Like the chocolatesimported from Belgium and milk from New Zealand. Also, to drink, the ingredients mostly imported anyway. Most coffee powder imported from Italyand Costa Rica. Based on all this, J.CO positioned as a premium-qualityproducts in the market donuts Indonesia

      Most of the raw material for making donuts use goods imported directlyfrom the USA and several other countries. Therefore, the procurement of rawmaterials is a very important part in the production process

      Streght (Strength) in JCO Donuts & Coffee is JCO as the market leader, the strong CO-Branding of J.CO Donuts & Coffee makes it even more able to expand its business even to the Asian market and many fans like, Variant Taste, Product Diversification.
      Weakness in J.CO Donuts & Coffee is too expensive, maybe because the quality and taste made by J.CO Donuts & Coffee itself is different from other donuts, it will require a lot of money
      Opportunity / Opportunities JCO Donuts & Coffee in the number of consumers who like food, and business opportunities that can be very good, because with a variety of products J.CO Donuts & Coffee is preferred by consumers
      Threats (Threats) at JCO Donuts & Coffee on a number of competitors - current competitors such as Dunkin'Donuts, rival donuts

